
I am learning most of us 30 somethings have a mini-life meltdown. It looks different for all of us, but we are experiencing the same questions and emotions. You know that unshakable feeling is this what the rest of[…]

Being in nature always brings me back. The trees remind me how small I am on this earth and how much room there is for me to grow. Wild flowers bring to my mind the idea that beauty is[…]

We have all heard of “Detoxing”, you know the lemon and Cheyenne pepper water one, the all liquid diet one, etc. Do they really have to be that extreme to get the health benefits we want? No, they don’t.[…]

As I work alongside all of you recreating my own life there are times where I get lost. I immerse myself so much in other’s teachings, advice, Instagram quotes I find myself anxious, running frantically, not sleeping and unfocused.

On my YouTube channel this week I talk about how to begin on the path to getting what you want in life.

Our minds betray us way more than these beautiful bodies do. So many of us spend so much time directing negative energy towards these bodies and it’s lack of perfection than we do pay attention to how our thoughts[…]

Most of us love boxes, to me they invoke excitement. A surprise hiding behind the packaging. When I receive an Amazon box I get so excited to open it up immediately, even though I know what is in it[…]

A picture popped up in my news-feed today that threatened to put me in a shitty mood for the day. It was of two people from years ago posing all tough. We all know people like this, their click[…]