
In a world filled with distractions and external influences, reclaiming the sovereignty of our lives and souls is paramount to our personal growth and fulfillment. As a life coach, my mission is to guide individuals on this empowering journey[…]

Have you ever thought "I know I have the potential to be successful I just need to know how to do it." Here is the How-To written out in 10 steps.

Do you ever have seasons of your life you just thoroughly enjoy? This is one of mine, scratch that, my life is one of those seasons as of late. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE learning, did I tell you I[…]

It doesn’t seem to matter really. It all passes. The winds change, our loved ones are here today and gone the next. We are 16 and know it all, and the next moment we are staring down 40 years[…]

I have never been known to keep quiet. I come from a long line of humans that speak their minds regardless of the aftermath to come. Growing up sometimes that could be so embarrassing and I was always on[…]

I saw a quote on facebook the other day that struck a wound within me. One of the reasons I left Christianity is because of this idea I need to be more like Jesus. Jesus the son of God,[…]

What are beliefs? How did we get them? More importantly, how do we let go of them for ones that serve us better? Those are the questions that if we can find the answer to them we can make[…]

Thoughts of shame… Wedding number 2. To be honest I didn’t believe it was right for me to have another wedding. My thoughts were you have already had a wedding, people that get married again don’t deserve a second[…]

Natural Talent and the mythology behind it.

Waking up with low energy… Some mornings it is hard for me to wake up and feel energized and happy. Whether it is I went to bed with low energy (stress, worry, guilt, shame, anger, bitterness, resentment) or had[…]