
It doesn’t seem to matter really. It all passes. The winds change, our loved ones are here today and gone the next. We are 16 and know it all, and the next moment we are staring down 40 years of age and freely admit we know less now.

When I zoom out from this Earth and imagine myself staring down at it from the Milky Way it makes me ask how does the Earth and our small and short lives fit into all of this? How does my breath, my life and this piece of writing really matter in the scope of the universe?

To quote King Solomon “Vanity, vanity it is all vanity.” Our lives, which we take scarily serious, come and then they go. We impact a generation, or two and then our lives fade on with time. Even if you are Albert Einstein, Galileo, or Steve Jobs those lives only impacted our lives here on earth. But what about outside of earth? What about all the other galaxies? What about eternity? Don’t get nervous here friends, I am not about to bust into an old southern church sermon about your soul and eternity.

Heaven, Hell, Next Level Adventure?

Several religious traditions believe in the concept of heaven and hell. As I am sure you are familiar with this concept the “saved” will enter into Heaven where there is no pain and suffering, no tears, no loss. There is no time, no space, just infinite worshipping.

That is it? It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would all the galaxies be created, millions of planets, billions of stars all for the earth for us to look at? Nope, that makes no logical sense. Why would any creator waste all that time and energy for pointless things? Also, when everything on earth makes sense, is logical, works together nothing is pointless why would space then be?

I think there is more. It seems the simple story of we are conceived, survive and then die and enter the last chapter of heaven or hell has simplified something much more complex and beautiful. In the New Age realms, there is a belief that our souls choose what their mission will be, where they will go and at what point in time they will arrive. For example my soul/higher self choose to come to Earth on October 31, 1980. It specifically chose my parents and this time. Here is where I am getting stuck though, why?

What is the point? If this is true I can’t remember the journey before and I don’t know the specific purpose my soul chose to come here now. Does my higher self have all the plans, the road map? Does she know where we have been, what we are here to learn and where we are headed next?

Journeying on…

What if death is the gate to the next journey? What if we exit here and have the ability in that dimension to enjoy our living loved ones and our moved on ones? The ability to transcend the veil. What if my mission is to live this life, learn as many lessons as possible, have fun, enjoy the earth and the animals and the humans move on and provide guidance to the next generation is some angelic form?

If I haven ‘t lost you by now, then I tip my hat to you!

Pondering these things helps me make peace with death. It is inevitable and no discriminator. I am going to die, you are going to die. Your parents, your kids, your beloved, your dog we are all on our trajectory of approaching this earth’s expiration date for us. It is part of the human experience, just as is the 50/50.

Death happens even though we have all these rules around it. Like only elderly people should die. We should have a long life. Children shouldn’t die. Parents shouldn’t have to bury their children. Like you, I want to hold on to these things, but do they serve us? Byron Katy says “When we argue with reality we lose 100% of the time”

How do we know death should happen to young and old? Because it does every day.

We seek solace in this idea that the loved one has gone to heaven and is with God and we are left here. Does that really bring comfort to us? It brings a sense of abandonment and being left to me. That I am left here in this hell hole, alone, hurting while my loved one is happily rejoicing in a better place.

New Eyes

Yet, some teachers teach God is HERE, He is here with us, amongst us. He is in you, he is in me, we all the bear the mark of our creator. What if the point is we are here to make heaven on earth or hell on earth. Our free will has gifted us the opportunity to choose. What if you learned how to transcend the static of the ego and opened your eyes for the first time in your life to see?

With awareness to see the opportunity to create/manifest a life filled with love, joy, peace, and contrast. To understand that the point of this earthly journey is to learn how to choose and create. There are so many examples of this like Victor Frankl who wrote Man’s Search For Meaning. He is a famous psychiatrist who survived the holocaust. In the midst of the holocaust, the man found meaning. So perhaps, even yes in the midst of war and evil we can reel our brains in to find meaning, create and choose.

So maybe that is the point for this short lifetime here. To create, choose, love and move on to the next journey. With no attachment to what legacy we leave behind here, this wasn’t the main stage, this is a training ground for the next journey.

It is said we are all connected, every soul, connected to the other souls. We are connected to the earth because our bodies contain all elements from the earth and the stars in it. It is all connected, the divine, the galaxies, the earth, the animals, the humans. We are all one on this epic journey from one life to the next. If this is true, then whether we are here in the body or not we are still connected to our loved ones, still in a relationship, still feeling love toward them and receiving love from them. They are still present and available in our lives. We are just asked to awaken to another level of consciousness to connect with them on their level of existence.

Perhaps we are not separated due to death, one on earth and one in heaven awaiting until one day reunited. Perhaps we just need awakened minds to see differently. To see the oneness and interconnectedness that even death cannot separate.

In Loving Memory

I dedicate this post to Gene Jones and Peggy Perry. Two beautiful souls that left these bodies this week and began their next level of amazing adventures. May your next adventures be filled with epic journeys and may you remind us of your constant presence and love. May we feel your embrace even though we can’t feel the warmth, may we sense your presence and love. Until our journeys physically cross again and we meet once again face to face, I am grateful for the journey together here and the love we experienced and look forward to the stories we will share in the next journey.