
Waking up with low energy…

Some mornings it is hard for me to wake up and feel energized and happy. Whether it is I went to bed with low energy (stress, worry, guilt, shame, anger, bitterness, resentment) or had weird dreams that I woke up with the same emotions that I was feeling in the dream. Either way, I don’t sleep well when I am in those low energy zones and thus wake up in those same zones. I know you can relate. We are emotional beings and we take action from our emotions, whether that action is positive or negative.

It makes me laugh sometimes when I hear people say I am not really into all that woo woo stuff, you know energy, spirituality, manifestation. I get it, it took me lots of years into my journey to get to a place where I will recognize and accept the fact that the universe is much larger than my human perception. I choose to humble myself and recognize that there are things in play that my mind can grasp. I do know I experience emotions and my energy changes based on the emotions I am feeling or the people I am in direct contact with.

Energy and the Science behind it

I guess I should back up and talk about energy first. Energy is such a broad term now, we use it in regards to a substance that fuels our cars and power’s our homes. It is also used in regards to humans such as how children have lots of energy and are go go go, or our elderly are running out of energy and slowing down. For the longest time I thought that physical energy was only correlated with my physical health. The healthier I was the more energy I had. But like so many things, I learned that wasn’t the full truth.

Mira Kirshenbaum, a psychotherapist and researcher, in her book, The Emotional Energy Factor did research about energy from a physical and emotional comparison. Her results are as followed: “Based on data from the National Institutes of Health, one out of eight adults is in the same low-energy state.” Kirshenbaum also goes on to reveal to us “How much energy does the typical person get from physical sources and how much from emotional ones?” The answers that were reported surprised her. Her research uncovered that physical energy can supply, at most, 30 percent of one’s total energy. The remaining 70 percent of the energy needed must come from emotional energy.”

Research, which I love, is showing us that energy is not something the body is solely responsible for producing. Our emotions and the emotions of those around us account for a LARGE percent of our energy. As I become more conscious of my mental state and thoughts I am discovering that my energy and motivation for the day is correlated with thoughts I have and other peoples energy around me. When I align myself with people that focus on being loving, happy, grateful, giving, confident I absorb that positive energy they are radiating. When I am around “low energy” people. You know those individuals that are unconscious of their mental state, they tend to live in a space of low self-confidence, shame, guilt, resentment, bitterness, anger or suppression of everything. I have less energy and feel more run down when I am around those people.  

Your own mini-experiment

Energy is a real thing, people. Try a little experiment today, interact with a low energy person for 5 minutes and then observe how you feel then interact with a high energy person and see how you feel. That is energy transfer. I am sure all of us live in both energy frequencies, that is the deal with being human. I do believe it is possible to choose which one we spend the majority of our time in though. We can choose our thoughts, therefore we can choose our emotions and thus choose what energy we exist in for the day.

Sounds easy right? We all know that is really, really hard to start gaining control over our thoughts. It takes A LOT of practice and daily work to get there. We can do this work on our own for sure, but I am impatient and want to make the changes I need as fast as possible. That is where Life Coaching or Self Development Coaching has proven to be SO helpful. My coaches help point out thoughts/emotions I am experiencing and how I am believing they are truth and reality and showing me the lack of validity behind them. Having a Life Coach has been so valuable to me and making the mental changes I need to, to create a life I enjoy and am grateful for.

The forest for the trees

The analogy is so true here, I can’t see the forest for the trees. The “trees” being my thoughts, they are so natural, they have existed in me since I was a little girl how can all my thoughts be untrue? If you have ever read anything from Eckhart Tolle or Byron Katy, you have discovered that thoughts come from the Ego or the primitive part of the brain. This part of our brain is wired to keep us safe and hidden away from all danger real or made up. This part of our brain was useful thousands of years ago when we lived outside with the lions and bears. But not now, we live in homes and sadly have almost annihilated any predator that would harm us. Our Ego deceives us now. So we are left with the work of separating ourselves from our thoughts.

A lot of us would agree we are Mind, Body, and Soul. So who are we if we separate ourselves from our thoughts? We are the soul behind those thoughts. Spend time with a 2-3-year-old and you will witness a human that lives out of their soul, not their thoughts. They don’t worry about others, they don’t worry about being good enough they simply live in the moment and from their soul. It really is a beautiful thing. I find so much joy being around dogs and my niece. They are purely themselves, no baggage, no negative energy just pure divine love and living in the moment. That is who we are meant to be my friends.

Taking actions steps to change your energy

If you are stuck in a negative emotion loop and want some help breaking that loop and learning how to gain control of your thoughts and emotions. I would love to help! I promise you that life doesn’t have to be filled with negative emotions and feel tired every day. Energy isn’t just for the 20 years olds. Us 30+-year-olds can feel just as fabulous!