
What are beliefs? How did we get them? More importantly, how do we let go of them for ones that serve us better?

Those are the questions that if we can find the answer to them we can make BIG changes, Life-Changing changes in our life. I am on the cusp, but the small bridge to the other side hasn’t convinced me of its safety.

Beliefs die hard, real hard, ugly cry hard. Why? Abraham-Hicks say that “Beliefs are thoughts that we just think over and over.” Imagine thinking a thought over a million times, I am pretty sure you would hard core believe it. The neuro pathway for that belief is so worn down and has created such a rut that the brain can easily and efficiently access that route. To create a new belief takes a lot of work. We ask the brain to exit I-40 to take County Road 1200 (just a number for example). From the smooth worn highway, it can turn cruise control on, to two dirt tracks working its way through a pasture. Now we can see why the brain is so resistant to letting go of a belief in exchange for a new one.

Where did our beliefs come from?

I know you all know most beliefs came from whoever raised us, parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. They were a HUGE influence on how we thought about ourselves and our lovability and how we see the world. Teachers, Religious institutions, peers, media, social media, and the collective society as a whole told us what to think, they all repeated these messages over and over until we began thinking those thoughts over and over. So then we grow up believing we are not enough, we are not worthy or we believe we are 100% enough, and 100% worthy. It just depends on the messages you were taught.

Lots of people want to bag on the Millenials. I see them as the first generation to be raised believing in themselves, knowing they are worthy and enough. The generations before them weren’t raised with that privilege to hear those messages. They were told the only way to be successful is to go to college, work your way up, work really really hard, and life isn’t any fun. Along with lots of other messages that fucked with their worthiness and enough scale.

Self Confidence is where Success arises from

The more I study and learn the more I am believing what separates the rich and influential from the masses is self-confidence. They truly believed they could do it and wouldn’t take no for an answer. That is it. Not intelligence, talent, privilege, straight up unwavering self-confidence. Somewhere along their road, they created beliefs about themselves that said you are enough and you are worthy.

So if you and I want more for our lives, more for the lives of our families we have to do the hardest work out there and create new beliefs about our selves. No amount of hard work, accomplishment, degrees, therapy, change of location, change of jobs is going to get you there. You have to do the hard work of changing your thoughts, practicing new thoughts daily, challenging old thoughts, repeat over and over until the new thoughts become beliefs.

Here are the thoughts I am currently practicing in case you are looking for some ideas to kick start your new ones:

>Babies are born 100% worthy and enough, they are not rich or poor, therefore money does not add or subtract from the value.

>I was born 100% worthy. I was born 100% enough.

>My worthiness or lovability cannot be added to or taken away from. I am.

>Education, Money, Status does not make me enough or make me not enough.

>God wants my highest good.

>God wants to give abundantly to me.

>Together, God and I co-create my life.

>I am open to miracles, I am open to guidance, I am open to the divine.

>I invite my guardian angel to help me create new beliefs.

>I invite my higher self to show me truths about who I am.

Use these or your own as daily mantras, make sticky notes, reminders on your phone, screen savers, whatever you need to do to see these affirmations to help you make new thoughts which will eventually become new beliefs.

Namaste my friends
